Sunday, August 16, 2009

To Those Whom it may Concern:

Be advised that, on today's date, August 16, 2009, Crippled Hippy News will cease to publish. It was a valiant effort, but the resources of the Uncle Enore Trust are not sufficient to maintain both Crippled Hippy News and Uncle Enore's Emporium, The Blog. Perhaps at some later time.

Until that time comes, if it does, Uncle Enore's Emporium, The Blog, will continue to be published. (Some segments of Crippled Hippy News will appear on U.E.E.)

Walter Cronkite over closing credits

And so, ladies and gentlemen, this is how a news legend is put to bed; the gallant old soldier, retired and praised for his efforts.

Goodnight, my friend.

And that's the news. This is Walter Cronkite.

Health Care for Everyone...or not...

The battle over some sort of health care that everyone can have, assuming they can afford it, is echoing all round the place. This link is a little bit of a discussion about it, but you're probably well-enough versed already, right?

I don't see how any of this can turn out right. I suppose, in the end, there will be some sort of government-run health care system or another that will end up covering more people than are covered now, and that will probably be a good thing. But, lots of people still won't be able to afford the coverage, or it will be structured so that lots of people who need it still can't get it...and, of course, if the government is running things, it will be fucked in some fashion, and whored out to the medical and insurance industries, I would imagine.

I don't know what the best system would be, or whether personal medical savings accounts would be best...what the fuck do I know about it? No matter how any of this goes, we're still going to take a fucking, I'm afraid.

But let me tell you what I DO know.

I know that this country is rich enough to make certain that every single individual is covered with no-pay medical, dental, and vision insurance, of a sort and utility that would serve us all well. Hell, the fucking government wastes more than whatever it would cost, probably weekly, if we were to look at it closely. (Anyone want to discuss what the Iraq Jackoff Session is costing us a week?) No, I don't have any idea how it would be structured, but I don't have to.

As far as I'm concerned, decent medical, dental, and vision insurance, a decent and safe place to live, decent food, and reasonable clothing are rights in this country.

And listen, I'd want to hear any stupid, knee-jerk arguments like, Hey, man, health care ain't mentioned in the Constitution, you commie! That's brilliant, Ace. Submarines weren't mentioned in the Constitution either, you asshole, should we give ours away?

God, brilliant.

Well, it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks. The brain surgeons in Washington are hard a work fucking things up even worse for us, I'm afraid.

Thanks, Barack, et al, for looking out for us...or...probably, not so much.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Charles "Gus" Augusto Jr.

The gentleman owns a store in Harlem. Four assholes came in to rob the place, pretty much ignored Gus, and began kicking the shit out of his employee.

Gus told them there was no money in the store and suggested they leave his worker alone, but they wouldn't listen.

So, Gus got his shotgun and fired three rounds. Two assholes dead, two going off to the hospital.

Being a decent man, Gus is upset about having to use violence against these assholes. Gus is welcome to be upset, if that feels right for him.

As for me?

Good on ya, Gus! Keep it up!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Brought to you as a public service.

Meet Sergaye Lafayette, 23, late of Sacramento, our state capitol and just 50 miles or so north of where I'm sitting. Sergaye was already in jail for something, and then was re-arrested when the cops uncovered an odd bit of information about Ms. Lafayette.

It seems as though she doesn't have primary custody of her children, and she was "watching" them last week...and decided it would be a good idea to carve a BIG letter S, for Sergaye, of course, on her 15 month old's buttocks.


This bitch carved the initial of her first name in this baby's butt.

Ok, now, see? This is just exactly what I was talking about over here. I'm sure the cops wouldn't have arrested the twat if she wasn't guilty. And if she's NOT guilty, wanna bet she hasn't abused one of her kids in some way or other?

This useless cunt is a prime candidate to be dragged out into the street and shot in the head.

Anyone disagree?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Whilst we're all mourning these dead kids...

...and pissing on the dead bodies of the pricks the cops were chasing...may I bring your attention to something?

Follow me along here (or not. I'm not really telling you what to do, I'm just making a suggestion, in the way people do during a conversation) whilst I tack up here just a couple chunks from that article.

...broadsided a truck containing the family of Carlos and Jennifer Salazar, and their five children...Dead at the scene were Jochelyn Grace Salazar, 7; Monique Janae Salazar, 4; Michael Alexander Salazar, 3; and Sienna Rose Salazar, 1...On Sunday Carlos Eric Salazar, 8, died in the Fresno hospital where his parents remain in fair condition...No one in the truck was wearing seatbelts...

This family was out for a ride in their pickup.

The kids weren't wearing seatbelts. I'm assuming, but don't know, that some were riding in the back, as well.

All the kids are dead.

The parents lived.

Let's be clear, here, these two parents killed their children. They are either scum or stupid beyond belief.

Or both.

Look, this happened in my part of the world. Though I don't live near there, I am intimately familiar with the area, having worked in and around it for years. That area is deep in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, where major portions of the population are Mexican immigrants there to work in agriculture, both legal and il, and I'm willing to bet this fine family was more familiar with Mexico than the Dinuba area. It's often difficult to shed portions of one's culture, and adopt portions of another, 'tis true. And I'm almost certain that seat belt use in Messico is not mandated, so they may not be aware of laws prohibiting what they did.

So what? Who gives a fuck?

What, Mexicans are too stupid to figure out that if they have a bunch of unrestrained kids in their vehicle, whatever kind it is, and they get into an accident, all hell is going to rain down on those poor kids, are they? I don't buy it. THESE parents are that stupid. THESE parents share a heavy load of the responsibility for their kids being dead today, if not all of it.

In any case, just as soon as they are well enough to be released from the hospital, they should be painted with shit and then crucified.

No one listens to me.

I'm just sayin'...

Mail Online: THE source for news...

I love tabloid newspapers. Well, who doesn't, right?

But, man, these people do it up right, with just the perfect mix of stupid shit, the mocking of fat people, celebrities, and rich people, the fanning of race and ethnic fires, and, of course, all the pussy one needs.

I was going to post some photos and some text and like that, but every time I do, only half the shit shows up. I'm thinking the muslims are beginning their revolution in England, and are targeting me already. This is the first step. Tomorrow it may be Oshkosh.

Here, CLICK ON THIS, and go check out Mail Online.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

God, I SO love lunatics!

ABC has a story this morning, about the rising populations of militia loons around the country, and the potential problems that may pose. Youse can read about it here, if you'd like to.

I suppose what they say in the article is accurate; these folks are probably getting more and more pissed off, now that a colored guy is running the country, especially...and, yeah, I guess I can see how things could get out of hand with them.

But, I gotta tell you, I have a lot of trouble taking these assholes seriously. Maybe I'm naive and all, but I can't get past all the silliness. I mean, what's with all the head shaving? LOL...or, if there is any hair left, it's about a tenth of an inch long? I suppose they're trying to look all hard, and shit, but they just look like a bunch of dumbasses to me.

And, may we talk about all the pseudo-Nazi Halloween costumes these people enjoy wearing? LOL...yeah, those scares me, alright...

Hey, I could tell right off that you people were a force to be reckoned with!!

And...there's just one other little thing, youse guys...

About all that silly marching and strutting and pretending you're in Berlin in the late 30's...I mean, I used to play Army when I was a kid, too, but aren't you guys getting a little carried away with yourselves? I mean, I don't have any problem with you demonstrating. Hell, that's the American way, right? Nor does it bother me that people who disagree with you get all flustered and offended by what you guys think. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, is what I think. Plus, you guys can think and believe anything you want to, as far as I'm concerned. But, beyond that, all the play marching and phony ceremonial bullshit that you folks like to do, I mean, if you're trying to impress ME...well, you're impressing me as assholes, if that counts.

But, hey, if all this silly shit is getting you laid, who am I to argue