Wednesday, August 12, 2009

God, I SO love lunatics!

ABC has a story this morning, about the rising populations of militia loons around the country, and the potential problems that may pose. Youse can read about it here, if you'd like to.

I suppose what they say in the article is accurate; these folks are probably getting more and more pissed off, now that a colored guy is running the country, especially...and, yeah, I guess I can see how things could get out of hand with them.

But, I gotta tell you, I have a lot of trouble taking these assholes seriously. Maybe I'm naive and all, but I can't get past all the silliness. I mean, what's with all the head shaving? LOL...or, if there is any hair left, it's about a tenth of an inch long? I suppose they're trying to look all hard, and shit, but they just look like a bunch of dumbasses to me.

And, may we talk about all the pseudo-Nazi Halloween costumes these people enjoy wearing? LOL...yeah, those scares me, alright...

Hey, I could tell right off that you people were a force to be reckoned with!!

And...there's just one other little thing, youse guys...

About all that silly marching and strutting and pretending you're in Berlin in the late 30's...I mean, I used to play Army when I was a kid, too, but aren't you guys getting a little carried away with yourselves? I mean, I don't have any problem with you demonstrating. Hell, that's the American way, right? Nor does it bother me that people who disagree with you get all flustered and offended by what you guys think. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, is what I think. Plus, you guys can think and believe anything you want to, as far as I'm concerned. But, beyond that, all the play marching and phony ceremonial bullshit that you folks like to do, I mean, if you're trying to impress ME...well, you're impressing me as assholes, if that counts.

But, hey, if all this silly shit is getting you laid, who am I to argue

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